
„One can not tie a knot with one hand.“

Mongolian wisdom

A strong team is capable of a lot more than the sum of its individuals. In addition it is a pleasure to be part of a convincing and convinced community. But good teams do not just appear from nowhere. They have to be formed with thought, caution and carefulness. Once built they need to be nursed, boosted and challenged.

With „Art and Business“ the Creaviva created a format that is directed at teams from economy, doctrine and management. Individual, customized concepts aim to approach the specific concerns and expectations of our guests with creativity.

What is created hand in hand in the bright and spacious studios of the Creaviva does not just have an emotional memo value. It obtains a meaning outside of the walls of the Creaviva for example as a sculpture, as wall adornment in a conference room or as a distinctive souvenir for deserving employees.

These team workshops attract people working for the human resource department, team leaders or CEOs who are interested in innovative human resource development concepts and who discover an exceptional potential in the combination of teamwork and art.

Our professional art mediators, most of them artists themselves, have years of experience when it comes to working with diverse wishes. Whether it is a wall adornment created by five enterprise leaders or an outdoor sculpture by 160 employees of a federal office - everything is possible.


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