
15.10.2010 - 20.01.2011

The seven deadly sins are the focal point of a collaboration between the Zentrum Paul Klee and the Museum of Fine Arts in Bern. Those who find themselves questioning the ups and downs that define human nature will discover surprising answers in the interactive exhibition "Lust. Ruse. Vice." in the loft of the Creaviva.

How would one describe guilt and sin in this day and age? Where would one draw the line between lust and vice? In a maze of confusion, children, teenagers and adults find their own way through and by doing so, question their position in our society in a playful way. Noses, ears, mouths and hands are seduced in seven installations where the understanding of sins is examined. How do wrath, greed and gluttony smell? How do envy, lust and sloth sound? How does pride feel?
